GoodKnight® 420G
Patient Manual
Ref. : M-139DFU02-10 Revision C
Revision C
The Puritain Bennett GoodKnight® 420G device (GK420G) is intended for treating
patients with Sleep Disordered Breathing including Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
(OSAS). The main characteristic of this pathology is the occurrence of multiple
respiratory events caused by contraction of the upper airways that disturb sleep. The
GoodKnight 420G delivers a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) that
prevents the upper airways from becoming obstructed thus eliminating apneas.
It is essential for you to understand the limitations on the use of this device. Therefore,
please read this manual carefully before using the GoodKnight 420G.
The information contained here is intended to help you use this device under optimum
conditions of safety and operation. For any question relating to the equipment and its
use, contact your Health Care Provider or your home Medical Equipment Provider.
Your doctor has decided on the treatment of your illness. He or she has prescribed the
various parameters that the hospital or your home care provider will program. You
must not make any adjustment, except under direct supervision of your Home Care
Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
GoodKnight® is a registered trademark of Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc.
GoodKnight 420G - Patient Manual
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GoodKnight 420G - Patient Manual
Revision A
BEFORE STARTING............................................................................................................................................................1
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS......................................................................................................................................................1
INDICATIONS FOR USE .......................................................................................................................................................2
PRECAUTIONS FOR USE......................................................................................................................................................2
CHECKING THE COMPONENTS............................................................................................................................................3
DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVICE......................................................................................................................................4
INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................................................................7
STANDARD INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................7
FITTING AN OXYGEN ADAPTOR..........................................................................................................................................8
INSTALLING A HUMIDIFIER ................................................................................................................................................9
INSTALLING AN EXTERNAL BATTERY ..............................................................................................................................10
USE ........................................................................................................................................................................................11
STARTING TREATMENT....................................................................................................................................................11
STOPPING TREATMENT ....................................................................................................................................................12
USING THE RAMP.............................................................................................................................................................12
ACCESSING INFORMATION ON THE DEVICE......................................................................................................................14
SETTING THE TIME...........................................................................................................................................................15
MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS..................................................................................................17
GOODKNIGHT 420G .......................................................................................................................................................17
AIR INLET FILTERS ..........................................................................................................................................................17
NASAL MASK ..................................................................................................................................................................18
HUMIDIFIER ....................................................................................................................................................................18
OXYGEN ADAPTOR..........................................................................................................................................................18
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................21
DEVICE PERFORMANCE ...................................................................................................................................................21
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ..........................................................................................................................................21
TRANSPORT AND STORAGE CONDITIONS .........................................................................................................................21
CONDITIONS OF USE ........................................................................................................................................................21
DISPOSAL OF THE GOODKNIGHT 420G AT THE END OF ITS LIFE..................................................................................21
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POWER SUPPLY MODULE....................................................................................22
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DEVICE..............................................................................................................22
SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................................................................................22
GoodKnight 420G - Patient Manual
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Revision A
Safety instructions
In order to ensure that you use your GoodKnight 420G device safely and efficiently, please read all
the information contained in this operating manual. Please pay special attention to the passages
preceded by the following terms:
Means that there is a danger of death or accident to you or others.
Means that there is a possibility of material damage to this or another device.
Indicates special points aimed at more efficient and practical operation.
1. Before any use, please check your GoodKnight 420G, as specified in the chapter “Checking the
components”. (See page 3).
2. In the event of additional oxygen supply, carefully observe the safety instructions for using
oxygen given in the chapter “Fitting an oxygen adaptor”. (See page 8).
3. Only use the accessories that have been given to you by your service provider. Check that you
have the instructions for using each of the accessories and read through them.
4. Use only the specific power supply module provided with the device.
5. Do not use the device in the presence of flammable fumes.
6. Follow the device’s installation instructions as specified in this manual in the chapter
“Installation”. (See page 5). In particular, keep the machine away from any sources of water.
7. Do not accidentally or intentionally obstruct the air outlet or any other opening in the device or the
respiratory circuit.
8. Do not introduce liquids or objects into the air outlet.
9. You may contact the medical team if, when using the GoodKnight 420G, the following symptoms
appear: dryness in your airways or nose, skin sensitivity, runny nose, earache, sinus trouble,
daytime drowsiness, mood changes, disorientation, irritability or memory loss.
10. Contact your home care provider in the event of any malfunction, whatever it may be. Maintaining
this equipment is solely the responsibility of the competent personnel. Do not attempt to open the
11. The air flow for breathing produced by this device can be as much as 7°F higher than the
temperature of the room. Caution should be exercised if the room temperature is warmer than
GoodKnight 420G - Patient Manual
Revision A
Indications for use
The GoodKnight 420G device is indicated for use in the treatment of obstructive respiratory sleep
disorders, particularly Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in spontaneously breathing patients weighing
over 30 kg (66 lb) within a homecare environment.
Precautions for use
The GoodKnight 420G device must be used with caution with patients in the following conditions. If
you are affected by one of these, contact your doctor at the start of your treatment.
• Pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum
• Severe bullous emphysema or previously complicated by pneumothorax
• Massive epistaxis or previous massive epistaxis
• Decompensated cardiac insufficiency or hypotension, especially in case of depletion in blood
volume or in case of cardiac rhythm disorder
• Pneumoencephalus, traumatism or recent surgery with the after-effect of a cranio-nasopharyngeal
• Acute sinusitis, otitis media or perforation of the tympanic membrane
• Severe claustrophobia.
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Revision A
Checking the components
In order to be able to use the GoodKnight 420G with its specific electrical power supply, you must
have at least the following items:
A patient tubing.
A nasal mask (often called an “ interface ”) with all its fastening accessories as specified in the
instructions for using this mask.
In addition to these accessories, your doctor could have prescribed the use of a humidifier. In this
case, check that you have all the accessories for this humidifier specified in its operating instructions.
In the case of an additional oxygen supply, you must also have an adaptor (only in the case where the
oxygen supply is not fitted directly onto the mask). See the chapter “Fitting an oxygen adaptor”. (See
page 8).
Carefully check the device and each accessory. Check especially that the hoses are not damaged and
that the mask does not have any cracks or distortion in the mask housing or seal (part of the mask
coming in contact with the face).
Carefully check the device and the specific power supply module and verify that there is no obvious
fault. Plug the device to the mains using its power supply module, referring to steps 4 and 5 of the
chapter “Standard installation”. (See page 7).
The type of the device is displayed for a few seconds then the following standby screen showing the
hour (the value displayed is given as example):
Standby Indicator
(the two points are blinking).
Figure 1 – View of the display when the device is in standby mode
If the device was disconnected while the motor was running, the screen displays the pressure. The
device shows the same adjustments as at the time of the power supply cord disconnection and is set
on the pressure used at the time of disconnection.
Start the device by pressing the ON/OFF button. (See reference 4 in Figure 2, page 5). The blower
should start up and the noise should be regular.
Stop the device by pressing the ON/OFF button and unplug the power supply lead from the mains.
In the event of problems or if you discover any anomaly, do not start the treatment and contact
your home service provider.
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Revision A
The GoodKnight 420G is powered from an external power supply and equipped with specific
accessories. The device is described below.
See figures 2, 3 and 4 on page 5.
1. Display
Allows you to visualise different information such as the pressure delivered, the settings of
the device or the hour. For further information, refer to the chapter “Accessing information on
the device”. (See page 14).
2. Information Access button
Used for accessing the different information regarding the device. For further details, refer to
the chapter “Accessing information on the device”. (See page 14).
3. Ramp button
Used for starting or stopping the pressure increase ramp (for further information, refer to the
chapter “Using the ramp”. (See page 12). It is also used to decrease the value of the
parameters during the device settings.
4. ON/OFF button
Used for turning the device on or off. It is also used to increase the value of the parameters
during the device settings.
5. Outlet connector
This is the air outlet onto which the hose is connected. For further information, refer to the
chapter “Installation”. (See page 7).
6. Supply connector
Used for powering the device from the specific power supply module or from an external
battery. For further information, refer to the chapter “Installing ”. (See page 10).
7. Air inlet filters
These filters prevent dust from entering the device and the air flow. For additional
information, refer to the chapter “Maintenance and cleaning instructions” (See page 17).
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The items in the Figures below are described on page 4.
Figure 2 – Top view
Figure 3 – General view
Figure 4 – Rear view
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This chapter shows you how to connect the various accessories and cables to your device. Before
beginning the installation, please check your device and its accessories, by referring to the chapter on
“Checking the components”. (See page 3).
In general, place the device on a stable surface. Avoid placing it too near a wall or any other
obstacle which could hamper the intake of air into the device.
Standard installation
1. Connect the patient tubing to the device. To do this, connect the hose onto the outlet connector
of the device. (See reference 5 in Figure 3, page 5).
Figure 5 – Connection of the patient tubing to the device
2. Prepare the mask as described in its instructions for use.
3. Connect the mask to the patient tubing free end.
4. Connect the cable of the power supply module to the supply connector located on the back of the
device. (See reference 6 in Figure 4, page 5).
Use only the specific power supply module provided with the device.
5. Connect the plug of the power supply module to the mains. The type of the device is displayed
for a few seconds then the following standby screen indicating the hours and the minutes :
The two points are blinking.
6. The device is ready to operate. Please refer now to the chapter “Use”. (See page 11).
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Revision A
Fitting an oxygen adaptor
Substitute the following step for step 1 of the standard installation procedure:
Connect the oxygen adaptor onto the device’s outlet connector and connect the other end of the
adaptor onto the nozzle of the patient tubing.
Figure 6 – Connecting the oxygen adaptor to the device
You can then repeat steps 2 to 6 of the standard installation to continue installing the equipment.
• Always follow the instructions of the medical team or home care provider in the event of using
• Do not smoke in the presence of oxygen.
• Do not inject oxygen through the air inlet of the device.
• Carefully follow the start-of-treatment and end-of-treatment steps described in the chapter on
“Use” on page 11.
• If supplemental oxygen is being used, the oxygen flow must be turned off when the device is
not operating. When the device is not in operation, and the oxygen flow is left on, oxygen
delivered into the mask circuit may accumulate within the device enclosure. Oxygen
accumulated in the device enclosure will create a risk of fire. This warning applies to most
types of CPAP devices.
At a fixed flow rate of supplemental oxygen flow, the inhaled oxygen concentration will vary,
depending on the pressure settings, patient breathing pattern, mask selection, and the leak rate.
This caution applies to most types of CPAP devices.
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Revision B
Installing a humidifier
Please refer to the humidifier user instructions for your for further information on its preparation and
safety precautions.
The humidifier must be filled before being connected to the device.
In order to avoid water damage, make sure that the humidifier is always placed lower than the
GoodKnight 420G unit.
Substitute the steps below for step 1 of the standard installation procedure:
1. Connect one end of the short spiral hose onto the outlet connector of the device. (See reference 5
in Figure 3, page 5).
2. Connect the other end of the short humidifier connection tubing onto one of the humidifier’s
Steps 1 and 2
Steps 3 and 4
Figure 7 – Connecting the humidifier to the device
3. Connect the end of the patient tubing onto the humidifier’s second connector.
Figure 8 – View of the humidifier connected to the device
You can then resume with steps 2 to 6 of the standard installation to continue installing the equipment.
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Revision B
Installing an external battery
The GoodKnight 420G can be powered by a 12-Volt car battery by using a special cable provided for
this purpose. The device can be used for 8 hours at least with a fully charged car battery in normal
operation conditions.
• Do not use any battery power cable other than the optional battery cable specific to the
GoodKnight 420G. There is a risk of damaging the device and your battery.
• Only use 12-Volt DC sources and make the proper polarity connections (+ and -).
To install the battery cable, substitute the following steps for steps 4 and 5 of the standard installation
1. Connect the battery power cable onto the supply connector at the back of the device. (See
reference 6 in Figure 4, page 5).
2. Connect the other end of the cable directly onto the battery.
Before using the battery, always be sure it is fully charged.
The GoodKnight 420G can be powered through a vehicle cigarette lighter by using the cable provided
for this purpose.
To do so, replace steps 4 and 5 of the standard installation by the following steps:
1. Connect the battery power cable onto the supply connector at the back of the device. (See
reference 6 in Figure 4, page 5).
2. Connect the other end of the cable directly onto the cigarette lighter-plug.
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Revision A
This chapter shows you how to use the device after installing it as described in the previous chapter.
It also shows you how to use the pressure increase (ramp) function and how to access information on
settings (you will not be able to alter these settings, but only view them).
In the sections “Starting treatment” and “Stopping treatment” below, please follow the
directions carefully. If these directions are not followed, an accident can occur, especially where
the use of oxygen is concerned.
Starting treatment
Once the device has been installed in accordance with the instructions given in the previous chapter,
please follow the instructions below to start treatment:
1. Start the device by pressing the ON/OFF button.
The display shows the pressure available as well as the operation and compliance indicators (see
Figure 9).
Compliance operation indicator
Device operation indicator
- 1 : compliance is on
- 0 : compliance is off
Figure 9 – View of the display when the device is running
The pressure unit displayed (hPa or cmH2O) can be modified by the Practitioner.
The compliance operation indicator is displayed only after 15 minutes operation of the
2. Put the nasal mask in place according to the instructions for its use. If a mask with exhalation
vent is used, it includes a hole by which the exhaled gases will be flushed and could not be
rebreathed. If a mask without exhalation vent is used, your doctor must provide you with an
adaptor allowing gases flushing as close as possible to the nose. Breathe normally.
A CPAP mask with hose should not be worn unless the CPAP device is turned on and
operating properly. The vent hole(s) associated with the mask should never be blocked.
This CPAP machine is intended to be used with masks (or connectors) that have vent holes
to allow continuous flow of air out of the mask. When the CPAP device is turned on and
functioning properly, new air from the CPAP machine flushes the exhaled air out through
the mask vent hole. However, when the CPAP device is not operating, enough fresh air will
not be provided through the mask, and exhaled air may be rebreathed. Rebreathing of
exhaled air for longer than several minutes can in some circumstances lead to rebreathing
CO2 or possible suffocation. This warning applies to most models of CPAP devices.
3. If you are using a heated humidifier, turn it on according to instructions for use.
4. If you are using oxygen, open the flow now.
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Revision A
When the device is in operation mode, check that it delivers an airflow. If no airflow is felt,
turn off the device and contact the service provider.
At lower CPAP pressures, the flow through the exhalation port may be inadequate to clear
all exhaled gas from the hose. Some rebreathing may occur.
Stopping treatment
When the GoodKnight 420G is operating, follow the instructions below to discontinue the treatment:
1. If you are using oxygen, stop the flow now.
2. Remove the interface (nasal mask).
3. If you are using a heated humidifier, turn it off according to the instructions for use. Disconnect
the humidifier from the unit.
Do not leave the humidifier connected to the unit or to the tubing when the humidifier is
not in use, as humidity could enter the device and degrade device performance.
4. Turn the device off by pressing the ON/OFF button. The device will return to standby mode and
display the following standby screen showing the time:
Check that no humidity appears in the tubing. If so, let the tubing dry before you use it again.
Using the ramp
First of all adjust the starting ramp pressure of your GoodKnight 420G device by observing the
following instructions:
If the ramp time is set to zero, this adjustment is not accessible.
The initial ramp pressure can be set to a value between 4 cmH2O and the pressure level prescribed by
your doctor. This function allows you to set the appropriate pressure level to enable you to fall
asleep. To access the parameter setting menu, just press for a second the Information Access button,
whether the device is on standby on in operation. (See Figure 10).
Increases the starting
ramp pressure
Reduces the starting ramp
Information Access
Figure 10 – View of the control buttons
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Revision A
You have to press this button the number of times required for displaying the screen below:
The pressure value can then be changed by using the ON/OFF and Ramp keys.
The ramp function enables you to make the rise in pressure progressive. Thus, the pressure level is
low at the start of the night to help you to fall asleep. You can also use this function if you have to
get up during the night and have difficulty going back to sleep. The pressure rise time up to the final
pressure is prescribed by your medical team and the setting carried out by your service provider is
between 0 (no progressive rise) and 30 minutes in 5-minute increments. The ramp may have been
preset to 0 according to your medical team’s prescription. In this case, the ramp function is disabled
and pressing the Ramp button on the front panel of the device has no effect. (Refer to reference 3 in
Figure 2, page 5).
1. To start the ramp, just press the Ramp button when the device is on. The pressure will fall to a
lower value, as previously described, then increase progressively up to the prescribed pressure
level, so as not to wake you. The device will run normally, delivering a treatment pressure
throughout the night unless you press the Ramp button again.
2. To end the ramp, press the Ramp button again and the function will be disabled. To reset the
ramp, press the ramp function again (the ramp indicator lights up when this is activated).
Set pressure
Starting ramp pressure
Pressure rise time
Pressure rise time
Resetting the ramp
Start-up and RAMP
function active
Figure 11 – Changes in pressure over time
when activating the ramp function
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Revision A
Accessing information on the device
The display enables you to view the different information on the settings of the GoodKnight 420G.
(Refer to reference 1 in Figure 2, page 5).
The setting information is accessible whether the device is on standby or in operation. For this, just
press the Information Access button for one second. (See reference 2 in Figure 2, page 5). With each
additional key press, you access further data.
In the following screens, the device is shown in operation mode and all the values are given as a guide
Press for one
The pressure level set by the doctor (equivalent to the
prescribed pressure when the device is running).
second on
Access button
The ramp time set by the doctor (period of time over which
the pressure gradually increases from the starting ramp
pressure to the pressure level).
Access button
The starting ramp pressure (pressure level at the
beginning of ramp); this parameter is adjustable and visible
only if the ramp time is other than 0.
Access button
The symbol used shows that the parameter is adjustable.
You can increase or reduce the value displayed by using the
ON/OFF or Ramp keys. For further details, refer to the
chapter “Using the ramp”. (See page 12).
Access button
The hour meter value (device operating time).
The compliance meter value (time during which the
patient has breathed with the device).
Access button
Access button
Id *.*
The GoodKnight 420G on-board software version.
Press the Information Access button again to exit the parameter setting menu.
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In this case, the display again shows one of the following two screens indicating the status of your
device (the values are given as examples).
The device is on standby.
The device is running.
Exit from the parameter setting menu takes place automatically when you do not press any key for 30
Setting the time
You can set the time only when the device is on standby. To do so, just press the Ramp button for one
second. (See reference 3 in Figure 2, page 5). Then while continuing to hold the Ramp button down,
press the ON/OFF button. (See reference 4 in Figure 2, page 5). If you release the pressure on the
buttons, the symbol of adjustment appears under the hour, as shown on the screen hereafter:
The time will only be displayed in a 24-hour format. Thus, 13:13 represents 1:13 P.M.
The letter h indicating the hour blinks, you can then set it using the Ramp and ON/OFF keys.
To set the minutes, just press the Information Access button, the symbol of minutes blinks in its turn
and you can set them by following the same procedure as for the hour.
Press the Information Access button again to exit the menu.
Exit from the parameter setting menu takes place automatically when you do not press any key for 30
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In order to ensure that you use your GoodKnight 420G, safely and efficiently, please observe the
maintenance instructions specified below.
GoodKnight 420G
The hard plastic case protecting the internal components of the device does not require any special
maintenance. When it proves necessary, clean the device using a soft cloth dampened with warm
soapy water. Dry the device thoroughly.
Always unplug the device before cleaning it.
Do not use a spray cleaner. This is because residues may lodge in the air outlet, the foam
filter or inside the device. This could cause irritation of the airways due to chemical residues.
Do not submerge the device in water.
Do not allow water to run onto the device, or drip into any of its openings.
Never use the device without verifying that the filter has been installed.
Air inlet filters
Change the filters as soon as they become torn or dirty. (See reference 7 in Figure 4, page 5).
Clean the outer foam filter at least once a week, or more often if necessary, in the following way:
1. Wash the filter with warm soapy water.
2. Rinse thoroughly so as to remove all traces of soap.
3. Dry it by pressing it sandwiched in a absorbant towel.
4. Leave it to dry completely before replacing it.
5. Replace the filter at the back of the device.
The high-efficiency white fabric filter (this optional filter is available separately) cannot be washed, it
must be changed at least once a month, or more often if it is visibly clogged.
Never use the GoodKnight 420G without an air inlet filter.
Please refer to the instructions for use that were sent to you with the hose.
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Nasal mask
Please refer to the instructions for use that were sent to you with your nasal mask.
Please refer to the instructions for use that were sent to you with your humidifier.
Oxygen adaptor
Please refer to the instructions for use that were sent to you with the oxygen adaptor.
GoodKnight 420G - Patient Manual
Revision A
Discomfort due to a Pressure
the Adapting to the nasal pressure takes a while. Try
to use the pressure increase ramp when you go
to sleep (see the chapter « Using the ramp »
page 12). Relax and breathe slowly through your
nose with your mouth closed.
GoodKnight 420G.
pressure being too
If the pressure is not suitable for you, contact
your home care provider.
The device is not The ramp is activated.
Check whether the ramp indicator is displayed.
Press the Ramp button to cancel the function.
(See reference 3 in Figure 2, page 5).
is The air inlet filters may be Clean or replace the filters as the case may be
delivering air that is dirty. The air inlet is (refer to the chapter on « Maintenance and
too hot.
cleaning instructions » on page 17). Move any
linen, bedding or clothing away from the
GK420G. Do not block the air intake of your
The room temperature is Lower the thermostat for the room. Make sure
too high.
that the GK420G is away from any heat source.
Remove the hose from under the blankets.
Dry or irritated nose The air is too dry.
or throat.
Humidify the air in the room using a humidifier.
Contact your Home Care Provider to obtain a
humidifier for your CPAP.
Cold nose.
The room temperature is Increase the temperature of the room or place
too low. the hose under the blankets to reduce heat loss.
Pains in your nose, Sinus infection or nasal Contact your physician or home care provider
sinuses or ears.
Runny nose.
Reaction to the airflow and Stop the treatment. Contact your physician.
Dryness or irritation Air leak around the mask. Reposition the mask. Ask your physician or
of the eyes.
home care provider to try different sizes of
Redness of the skin The headgear is too tight or Adjust the headgear. Contact your physician or
in contact with the too small.
home care provider to try on masks of different
Allergic reaction to the Stop using the mask. Contact your prescribing
components of the mask or physician or home care provider.
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Recurrence of the first The GoodKnight 420G is Ask your home care provider to check the
symptoms of sleep not set to the correct operation of the GK420G.
apnea syndrome.
pressure or is not operating
Your physical condition or Contact the ordering physician.
your pressure needs have
The GoodKnight 420G
does not come on (no
Check the connections between the power
supply module, the GK420G and the electric
Verify that the power
supply module is properly
No AC power.
Use another appliance, such as a lamp or radio
to check that the AC power supply is present at
the outlet.
The fuse of the device has
Contact your home care provider to get
information on the way of returning the device
to the technical department.
The GoodKnight 420G
is not running properly
and seems to be subject
to interference.
Move the device away from sources of
interference such as halogen lamps and cell
phones, etc.
Excessive electro-magnetic
This message disappears if you press the
ON/OFF button. (See reference 4 in Figure 2,
page 5).
9:33 is displayed.
The appliance is connected
to the mains and remains
on standby.
(value given as a guide only)
This pressure level has been prescribed by your
doctor; it can only be altered by medical
If the ramp function is active, this level of
pressure will increase progressively before
reaching the prescribed value and the ramp
indicator is displayed.
4.0 cmH2O is
Set pressure level
(equivalent to the pressure
in the mask for a hose of
1.80 m).
(value given as a guide only)
The mask is disconnected. Check the connections between the mask, the
hose and the device. This message disappears
In 01 is displayed.
as soon as the mask is well connected.
Reduction of the power Check the connections between the power
In 03 is displayed.
supply voltage.
supply module, the GK420G and the mains
socket. Unplug the power supply module, then
connect it again to the mains. If the problem
remains, contact the home care provider.
Check the external battery and replace it, if
necessary. If the problem remains, contact the
home care provider.
The device has detected an Contact the home care provider.
operating fault.
Er XX appears on the
(XX = 2 digits).
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Revision B
Device performance
Pressure range of the GoodKnight 420G:
4 cmH2O to 20 cmH2O ± 1 cmH2O
adjustable by increments of 0.5 cmH2O
Maximum achievable pressure at the patient connection
port under single fault condition:
24 cmH2O
Ramp time:
0 to 30 minutes ± 1 minute
device adjustable by 5-minute increments
25.1 dBA
Sound level measured in accordance with:
PrEN ISO 17510-1 :2001
Maximum sound level:
31 dBA at 10 cmH2O
> 5 years
Lifetime of the battery soldered onto the board:
Physical characteristics
Dimensions (W x H x L ):
5.6 x 2.9 x 7.7 in (without power supply)
1.54 lb (without power supply module)
Transport and storage conditions
-20°C to +60°C (-4°F to +140°F)
up to 95 % without condensation
500 hPa to 1060 hPa
Relative humidity:
Relative pressure range:
(1 hecto-Pascal 1 cmH2O)
Conditions of use
+5°C to +40°C (+41°F to +104°F)
between 10 % and 95 % without condensation
700 hPa to 1060 hPa
Relative humidity:
Relative pressure range:
(1 hecto-Pascal 1 cmH2O)
Operating Altitude:
0 to approximately 7,800 ft (0-2400 m)
Disposal of the GoodKnight 420G at the end of its life
In order to protect the environment, various parts of the equipment and its accessories must be
disposed of in conformity with the local regulations.
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Revision C
Electrical characteristics of the power supply module
Class II power supply:
Input voltage: 100 – 240 VAC (-10%, +10%), 50 / 60 Hz (±1 Hz)
Input current: 550 mA (Egston), 600 mA (Anam).
Output voltage: 13 V – 1.85 A (Egston) / 12 V – 2 A (Anam).
Power supply provided with the device: Egston N2UFMW 24 W 13 V or Anam TA2412 24 W 12 V.
Use only one of the above-mentioned specific power supplies provided with the device.
The above-mentioned power supply modules are not intended to be repaired. In case of
failure, please contact your service provider to have the module replaced.
Electrical characteristics of the device
Input voltage:
13 V – 1.5 A.
Maximum power consumed : 20 W (without humidifier)
Current consumed at 20 cmH2O with a 4 mm leak: 0.750 A.
Direct current
13 V power connector
Information Access
Increases setting values
Reduces setting values
Output connector
Device protected against the vertical falls of water drops.
Type B device
Consult the instructions for use before using this device.
Device complies with the requirements of the directive 93/42/CEE relating to
medical appliances.
For USA only:
Federal law restricts this device for sale by or on the order of a physician.
GoodKnight 420G - Patient Manual
Homecare Provider Information
Corporate Headquarters:
Made in France by:
Nellcor Puritan Bennett Incorporated
4280 Hacienda Dr.
Pleasanton, CA 94588-8604
Tel. +1 (925) 463-4000
Mallinckrodt Développement France
Parc d’activités du bois St-Julien
10, Allée Pelletier-Doisy
Telephone : (33)
Fax : (33)
Fax : +1 (925) 463-4420
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